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Humphrey Nature Trails
Creative Community Happens Here

Your Stories


Your Artwork


How do I Join the Fun?

I can share a song/dance/painting/photo to one or more of the 12 questions raised by Humphrey Public School Students around the pandemic.

Wooden boards and stakes are available by emailing us. You will need to paint your sign and shellac it.


Submit your video, audio, artwork, or poem that you wrote.

To arrange pick up or delivery of sign board materials send us an email to Or send us a message with the "Contact Us" button.

Ways to Contribute


  • Paint a sign

  • Photos

  • Videos

  • Songs

  • Sculpture

  • Dance

Share your response on our **NEW** Blog Website here:

Creative Communites.Art

Videos, audio files, wooden planks, everything!

Twelve Questions:

1 - Where have you found joy this year? What can you still do that makes you happy?

2 - Did you enjoy parts of the lockdown?

3 - Where have you found boredom?

4 - Have you been more creative? What have you created?

5 - How have you connected with family and friends? Where have you found comfort?

6 - Have you found yourself lazier?

7 - Where have you experienced frustration?

8 - How has Covid-19 affected your life? Have you learned anything from the experience?

9 - Where have you experienced sadness?

10 - What have you lost? What have you found?

11 - Have you been angry?

12 - What are you grateful for?

Send Answers

I have my Covid Story. Now what?

Here at CreativeCommunities.Art

Do you have a shellaced sign ready to go?

Post it at the Humphrey Nature Trails on the Rabbit Run.

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